Sino aprendes a confiar en los demás; dificilmente lograrás que ellos confien ti.

jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010


My sister  gets up at ten to five, she takes a shower and dresses. She has chocolate and bread for breakfast. She leaves home seu at six o'clock and goes to school at six-thirty. At one o'clock she has lunch and takes a nap. At three o'clock does her homework and she watches television. She has dinner and attends dance classes at seven-thirty. At nine o'clock goes to bed.

1 comentario:

  1. Excellent! Pero hubiera sido mejor que utlizarás los conectores que dije en clase para hacer más fluida tu escritura como then, later, finally, first, also, besides...
    Your score is 4.3 (10%)
