Sino aprendes a confiar en los demás; dificilmente lograrás que ellos confien ti.

lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010


I live in a house near the park Itagui. I live with my father, my mom, my brother and my sister with her dog, Estrellita. As a second floor there are two balconies. There is a kitchen, the living room is very small  like the dining room. There are three bedroom and one study room where this computer and the books . There is a bathroom and there is patio.

My bedroom is small and I share with my sister. There is platform bed, I sleep in the down. There are two drawers and there is mirror. There is a tv, where we watch every nigth my sister and I. finally, there are much fothograpy and stuffed animals.

My house is small but has everything you need, the atmosphere is great because you can breathe pure love.

viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010


I get up at ten o'clock, I take a shower while my mom cooks breakfast. Then my sister helped to organize because it kind og modeling. Later, at twelve I have lunch. I leave home at two o'clock I go to a dance class. I leave dance class at four o'clock and later I go home. Then I do the homework and finally I watch television. Again I take shower and dress. At seven-thirty I get a visit from my boyfriend. Finally at twelve I go to bed.